The Hooker & the Hermit COVER REVEAL

The Hooker & the Hermit COVER REVEAL

Today’s the cover reveal for The Hooker & the Hermit, the splendiferous creation of yours truly and the wonderful Penny Reid! This is a romantic comedy set in New York and tells the story of an anonymous celebrity blogger and a famous Irish rugby player 😀...
SIX OF HEARTS Cover Reveal

SIX OF HEARTS Cover Reveal

I probably say this every time I get a new cover, but this one…this one has to be my favourite so far. I don’t know. When I look at it I just get EXCITED. I’m into the final quarter of writing the book at the moment and I’m so in love with...
The Nature of Cruelty Cover Reveal!

The Nature of Cruelty Cover Reveal!

Hello friends! God, it feels like I haven’t written a blog post in forever. But it’s all good because I’ve been writing a book and that’s what really counts 😉 A book, you say? Yes, a book. It’s a new adult romance called The Nature of...