ONE MONTH until The Cad and the Co-Ed is LIVE!

“So yes,” Sean gave me a pointed look, “I approve of it wholeheartedly. In fact, seduce her again.”   I coughed, choking on nothing, and sputtered, “What? What did you say?”   “I said seduce her. And do it now. She has more unresolved feelings for...
Still Life with Strings Excerpt + Teaser

Still Life with Strings Excerpt + Teaser

There’s less than a week to go before Still Life with Strings is released! Anybody in the mood for an excerpt? Read on for a sneak peak of chapter one, plus a pretty teaser pic below 🙂 One They call me the Blue Lady. The more poetic would say a dark angel, or an...

Painted Faces Story Snippet

  Since I’m almost three quarters of the way through writing my first ever contemporary romance novel, Painted Faces, I thought I’d post another short snippet from close to the start of the book. This part occurs when the main character (Freda) is...